Real-time health care to patients at a distance.
Health care provided by video-conferencing, audio communication, and/or text-messaging using mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
We are pleased to be gradually re-opening our office to patients! At present we continue to offer mostly ‘virtual’ appointments. These are done by a very simple ‘video-consult’ program which can be used on most smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. All it involves is clicking a link that we send you by text message or email!! We have used this successfully now for over three months with patients of all ages!! If this doesn’t work for you we can do appointments over the telephone as well.
We are seeing some patients in the office but we are still trying to minimize direct physical interactions. In some cases a physical exam is necessary and if this is the case you will be booked into the office. Of course if your preference is for an in-person appointment this will be arranged.
Please note we are accepting patients in the office only with a scheduled appointment. Please do not drop-in without an appointment. Also we ask that you try to avoid arriving at the office earlier than your scheduled appointment time. We ask that you use the hand sanitizer that is provided and of course we ask that you wear a mask for the period of time that you are in the office. If you do not have one we do have a limited supply available at the present time. In the office please respect the 2 meter social distancing recommended by the Dept of Health.
All patients arriving in the office will be screened by staff prior to their appointment. If anything changes in your condition or exposures you must contact the office staff before arriving in the office.
Thank you for respecting these guidelines and working to keep us all safe! We look forward to seeing you all again!